Funny, Beautiful, Cleaver and a Great Lesson for Young Ones 5yrs and up
Raccoon gets tired of hunting. He decides to steal food from a farm nearby. Bear gets in on the action as does Fox, Badger and Owl. But the farm soon runs out of things to steal. The rascals learn how much they hurt the farmers and make amends. They choose to work together for their food by building their own farms and trading with each other.
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I got it for her on Kindle Unlimited and sent it to her PC. She buried her nose in it and finished about twenty minutes later, and eagerly sent me her review:
I really enjoyed this. I thought it had a cool story, and some good advise. 🙂 4 stars :)Awesome! She enjoyed it a lot, and felt she learned something. That’s what any parent wants from a kid’s book, right?
Well, I can’t stop there. I’m an unschooling mom, so I love to know what my kid is into. I gave it a read myself, and I had to upgrade this to a five-star book.For one, the art is absolutely adorable. It really is. I have seen
a lot of indie kids books with art that was meh at best, and this is NOT one of them. The art here is SO CUTE I can honestly say I’ve seen art in traditionally published kids books that wasn’t nearly so nice. Considering my background in art (illustration major), I would say that qualifies it to some degree! It’s really solid art which clearly depicts everything from what you’re looking at to emotions and movement. This is solid art and it helps really tell the story. My daughter thought the animals were so cute. 🙂
There’s one or two grammar mistakes (Mama Bear being referred to with pronoun “his” once for example.) which is unfortunate in a children’s book as they need solid grammar to learn from, but there weren’t many, the the story was overall so sweet, I just couldn’t dock it a star.
The moral of the story is very well-placed without being preachy. Stealing is bad, sharing is better. I like how it’s handled, and I like the lesson the animals learn. All in all, an excellent children’s book with adorable art and a great lesson