Anderson Atlas is an author and illustrator in Arizona

I’m an author / illustrator and have been since I was a wee babe. My days consist of sitting around the fire, recounting epics of giants and hidden fairies while exploring the sacred mountains east of the moors. I’ve crossed the forbidden boundaries, explored the dark dungeons, and returned to tell the tales.

Sun Skips Christmas



Children learn about the true importance of Christmas in this amazing fable by Anderson Atlas.

About the story:

One Hot December day the sun mysteriously vanishes. Snow turns to ice and the world freezes over. Smart, little Ellie comes up with a plan to bring back the sun. But can she convince the townsfolk to give up all their Christmas presents so she can save the world?

The Sun Skips Christmas is a 20 page illustrated children’s book. Mom’s and Dad’s will love reading this book to their young ones or a 3rd grader and up can read it themselves!

Buy a signed copy of the Book!

Publication date: August 2015