Little Giant is on the bookshelves. I am working on getting some reviews for the story, and that’s the hard part. It takes a lot of effort and time to reach out to the community and ask for reviews. A lot of people love books but they don’t take the time to review them. Reviews for an indie author is quite an important part of self-publishing. Indie authors enjoy a lot of freedom when publishing books but the drawback is we don’t have a large base community of reviewers and marketers on our side. We have to seek out our audience through all the corporate noise and prove to people that our stories have merit.
Well, Little Giant is a story that has merit. It has adventure and a moral theme. I tried to illustrate the story much like a Pixar movie, with 3-D larger-than-life characters and colors. But it’s the story I think kids will enjoy. So if you have a moment, and it only takes a moment, check out Little Giant and then leave a review.