Anderson Atlas is an author and illustrator in Arizona

I’m an author / illustrator and have been since I was a wee babe. My days consist of sitting around the fire, recounting epics of giants and hidden fairies while exploring the sacred mountains east of the moors. I’ve crossed the forbidden boundaries, explored the dark dungeons, and returned to tell the tales.

Review #12 Surviving the Improbable Guest

“Author Anderson Atlas offers an inspirational message of hope, reminding readers that our greatest limitations are the ones which we cling to in our mind. Positively uplifting moments abound within this story in which a boy, who basically believed his life was over, travels to another world where he becomes a hero. Surviving the Improbable Quest is an exhilarating tale full of frightening and wondrous creatures.”  Literary Classics Book Reviews

This review is so great I feel inspired! I really hope that any kid in a wheelchair or with a disability will find this book and enjoy it. If you feel so inclined, click over to Literary Classics and thank them for the great review!

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Hello! Anderson Atlas here with an update: I’m still busy writing Dark Swarm, so that is something to look forward to for those Sci Fi

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